Tuesday 26 March 2013

Poster plan

I have made a rough plan of what my film poster should look like. It will also help me to make my film poster as I going along.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Film review plan

I have made a rough plan of what my film review should look like. It also will help me to make my film review as I am going along.

Friday 22 February 2013


I started of with the idea of using a voice over. However, I simply did not have enough time for this so I used background sound throughout the whole film on iMovie. I think this some how contributed towards the genre of my short film being a documentary based drama. I used eerie sounds to create suspense and a heartbeat sound for the bathroom scene as one of the endings was where Shazad ends his life. One of the sounds I used was a type writing sound when text appeared on the screen, I think this was effective for the audience as the sound helps you stay focused so you read the text. I decided to use dialogue on my bullying scene but you couldn't hear it with the quality of the camera. So instead I decided to use my bullying scene in the reverse scene and added a 'rewind' sound. The sound on iMovie was rather limited so some sounds were repeated.